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Ornate Belt Buckle - 18 Karat Gold Belt Buckle

Sale price$ 12,500.00
Ornate Belt Buckle - 18 Karat Gold Belt Buckle
Ornate Belt Buckle - 18 Karat Gold Belt Buckle Sale price$ 12,500.00


Conflict-free materials

Our Mantra at Chris Aire is to uphold the utmost respect for the earth and our fellow human beings. We guarantee all diamonds, gold and other raw materials used in the production of our pieces have either been mined directly by us or acquired from our affiliates who are not involved in funding conflicts. 

Our diamonds and gold are produced in compliance with internationally recognized "best practice" principles and expressly forbids the use of sweatshops or child labor. 

We believe in supporting our communities and empowering the underprivileged.